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Odoo Manufacturing Software

MRP + Shop Floor + PLM + Quality

Revolutionize your manufacturing process and take production to the next level with our cutting-edge system - powering efficiency, productivity, and growth.

Start your Transformation

                  Manage all the aspects of your Manufacturing processes 

Looking for a manufacturing software that can keep up with the demands of the modern world? Look no further than Odoo's suites of manufacturing modules! With cutting-edge technology and precision engineering, Odoo allows you to streamline your production process, reduce waste, and increase efficiency like never before.

Are you tired of spending countless hours manually inputting data and dealing with mountains of paperwork in your manufacturing process? Odoo's manufacturing system is here to revolutionize the way you work! With Odoo, you can say goodbye to tedious manual tasks and paper-based processes and hello to a streamlined, efficient workflow. By automating key aspects of your manufacturing process, our system not only saves you time and effort, but also reduces errors and increases accuracy.

With real-time data and analytics at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions and optimize your operations for maximum productivity. So why settle for outdated, manual processes when our cutting-edge manufacturing system can take your business to the next level?

Create & Manage BOMs

Create and manage a BOM where you can track and organize your product's components, quantities, and costs.​

Automatically create Jobs

Use automatic Made to Order or Made to Stock rules to create manufacturing orders.

Schedule Jobs

Schedule your manufacturing orders.
Drag and drop these orders on your schedule for a seamless user experience.

Instruct Workers

Digitally send instructions to workers.
Move away from printed job sheets.

Manage Operations

Quickly be able to see the status of an order.
Get notified of any stoppages on the Shop Floor. 

Report & Analyse

Analyse your production KPIs.
Drill down into the profitability of each job. 

A complete MES system. 

Run all your manufacturing operations in one application.

Watch this video for a complete walkthrough of Odoo's Manufacturing Execution System (MES). 

Efficiently Manage your BOMs

Easy create new bills of material (BOMs). Manage revision changes.

View part availability and expected arrival times.
See how cost varies for different quantities produced.

odoo erp's example of a bill of materail

odoo scheduling screen

Smart & Automatic Scheduling

Scheduling software helps manufacturers plan production by providing real-time inventory, material, and machine information, reducing lead times, optimizing resource use, and improving on-time delivery.

  • View Hours Planned
  • Drag & drop your jobs
  • Re-plan orders
  • Integrate sub-contracted materials into your schedule

Move away from paper based
Job Sheets.

Use tablets and computers to 
share work instructions.

Printed Job Sheets cause valuable time to be spent by both your production manager and shop floor employee - give your employees the tools to receive instructions, enter times and check quality steps.

tablet displaying the work centre instructions required to complete manufacturing of a job
odoo dashboard showing weekly production rates

Amazing Reporting & KPIs

Track every expenses, uncover new ways to save, choose the right credit cards.
All those advices and much more are included and totally free of charge.

Job Shop Visibility

A Worker needs to see what needs to be worked on, and a manager need to know understand the overall picture of the shop floor. 
Quickly check the status of each manufacturing order/job.

odoo screen showing the status of each job on the shop floor

Avoid Mistakes. 
Use Barcodes - Scan Serials. 

Give your employees the tools to quickly and accurately complete orders.

Generate, print and scan serial numbers so that the production manager can see the exact status of a job!

GIF animation showing the scanning of a job card to complete a work order

12 million people, run Odoo to make their jobs easier.

Join them and make the right move towards your digital future.